If you’ve ever seen (or contributed to!!!) my Porn Perve List, you’ll know that I love watching porn with you!
How to watch porn with me? Just send me a link via Niteflirt email or chat, and then don’t wait for a reply, just call me! I’ll cue up the link and we can watch together! It’s so fun being able to play with ourselves while we talk about what’s hot in what you’ve brought to show me. Kind of an Adult Show and Tell!! 😛
If you’re feeling really risque, you can even wank for me on cam!! My Skype ID is available for purchase in my Goodies!
Do you watch porn with your significant other/s?
Do you want to watch porn with your girlfriend or wife, but don’t know how to start the conversation? Here are some ideas:
Talk about it!
It’s always easier to talk about porn if you already have good communication around sex. If you don’t talk about sex, about what you like and don’t like, it might be worth starting there first.
Bringing up the topic of porn watching together can feel tricky. It can be best to bring it up when you’re already horny together, during foreplay or a break during sex, or even after sex if you feel you’re still both “in the mood”. Don’t pressure your partner to actually watch porn in that moment, just say you’re bringing it up for future discussion.
Try asking it in a casual kind of way. One idea is to say something like “Hey, you know what we’ve never done before…?”
And there’s always my “dream” method of introducing a topic: Just say you had a really horny dream the night before in which you were watching porn together, and you wondered if that is something she might like to do sometime.

Know what you want
Know what you want from watching porn together. What are you hoping to gain? Do you want to discover their fantasies? Reveal your own? What are you worried about when thinking about talking about or actually watching porn? TELL your partner these things, it can help them discuss what they also want, and what they don’t want.
Discuss what works for you (and what doesn’t)
Find out if she already watches or has watched porn. Talk about what you like seeing in porn, the moments that turn you on. If she’s a bit shy about it, agree perhaps to start a bit more conservatively with the porn you pick, and then start revealing your kinks more as you go
Work out how you are going to tell each other when you don’t want to watch something. A safe word, a simple “Nope” or just being able to say “I don’t want to watch that” is really important.
It can be helpful to discuss what things in porn sometimes turn each other off, so you can avoid those. Also, since most mainstream porn is geared towards guys, and can be violent or unrealistic for women,if you are watching with a female partner, or any partner who is more reluctant to watch porn, make sure the control is in their hands so that they can select or stop porn easily themselves without having to say something.
Porn isn’t only vids:
Try reading erotica to each other. There are a ton of sites out there. . Or even try writing a story together!
For some, still images are more fun than vids.
OR – call me together! I love doing calls with couples!! And I’m genuinely a therapist, and I can help facilitate the discussion of what you want to watch together! But we can just create a fantasy together based on what both of you like!
Have fun!
Porn can be a little silly, and approaching it with a fun mentality can make it easier to watch together!
If you’re the one who suggested porn watching, check in with your partner from time to time, and be ready to pause or stop or switch porn any time that they need.
And – if you do watch porn with your partner, give me a call and tell me how it was after!!