Have you ever wanted to listen in to someone else’s phone sex?
Try my other Niteflirt ID: Miss Annalise
It may not interest you, but bear with me for the advantages: Every single listing there is aimed at the Ignore fetish. If you really want to be Ignored, you can do it right here on AussieSexTherapy.
BUT Miss Annalise is a separate phone line. Which means it’s often on when I’m away here!
AND it’s available when I am talking to someone here, so you can listen in to the horny fun I am having with others!* Just sit on one of my listings here on AussieSexTherapy, and when the “Call Now” button becomes Busy, just go over to Miss Annalise and call me there!
Also, there are SO many listings over there at so many different rates. If you go to My Profile, there is even a way to do a Self-guided Raise-the-Rate!
Many of my listings there are regular Ignore rates: 99c a minute.
Then there are my Raise the Rate Ignore Listings, in which we start at a certain rate, and after a while, I hang up on you, and raise the amount you pay per minute … and then you call me back!
Raise the Rate Ignore Line starting at $2.99 and going up in small increments.
EXTREME RTR Ignore Line. Starting at $9.99 and going up in large increments!!
Alternatively, you can call any of my other listings, which gradually go up in rate. You can even use these as a Raise the Rate Game – call each of these listings in turn for ***three minutes each*** if you dare, and see how far up you can go! It’s like a Raise-the-Rate Cock Hero, and I get a great giggle out of goading someone on to call again!
I’m KINKY and You’re IGNORED. $1.99
Love is when she doesn’t want you. IGNORE $2.99
Love me. Pay me. Beg me. I’ll still IGNORE you! $3.99
My Mouth Will Never Be Around Your Cock! $4.99
IGNORING you because MEN SUCK $5.99
Stupid besotted boys pay $$$ to be IGNORED! $6.99
Oh boy, are you ever gonna be IGNORED $7.99
My Phat Ass IGNORES You! $8.99
Only an Idiot would pay me THIS MUCH to IGNORE him $9.99
Are you KIDDING? You’d pay $$$ to be IGNORED? $19.99
Girl Next Door never even looks your way! (IGNORE) $29.99
Here in my lingerie, but NOT for you (IGNORE) $39.99
Balls-Out Bankrupt IGNORE Line! $49.99
What are you waiting for? If you like to spy, or you like the humiliation of being Ignored, or you want to guide yourself through an intense Raise the Rate experience – come on in and call me!!