CALL, DON’T MESSAGE: I see that a lot of Domme’s on Niteflirt require you to message before you call. I don’t understand, I see that as a complete waste of my time. If I am online, I am ready for you, and I want you!
KNOW WHAT YOU WANT – AND TELL ME. My delight is getting inside your head and playing with what I find there. If you don’t reveal your likes and desires, I can’t do that.
TIME: Let me know how long you have budgeted for a call. It helps me to structure the call for the best experience.
TALK CLEARLY: It is SO hard to understand whispering on the phone, and it is stressful to strain to hear. Your experience will be diminished if I have to strain, rather than having a fun time with you. If you can’t talk clearly, call my “If you need to be SILENT” line.
TELL ME WHEN YOU CUM: It’s useful for me to know, especially if you are a silent cummer. It allows me to change my intensity to match where you are at.
ENDING A CALL: I know that when you cum, there’s a drop back into your normal brain. It’s awkward. Take a moment to say “Thanks” before you hang up. It’s only polite. Or if you can’t bring yourself, just write me a quick thank you email – or even better, leave me Feedback! Tips are always appreciated!
EMAILS AND PICS: Do not send pictures or emails without paying me via Tribute for my time to look or read. OR – send information the instant before you call, and I can read or look while we talk!
I look forward to having tons of fun with you! Call me!