What is in cum?
An average ejaculation is between 2-5ml, containing around 100 million sperm per ml. 5 ml is about equivalent to a teaspoon of liquid. Seminal plasma (the fluid that contains the sperm and protects and nourishes the sperm) may have some health benefits!
Semen also contains more than 50 different compounds including hormones, endorphins, neurotransmitters and immunosuppressants.
The Self-Hacked blog gave the following nutritional breakdown of semen. Keep in mind, most of these quantities are not nutritionally significant, but it’s still pretty good for you!
Semen contains (R):
Calcium (mg)
27.6 0.938
Chloride (mg)
142 4.83
Citrate (mg)
528 18.0
Fructose (mg)
27.6 9.25
Glucose (mg)
102 3.47
Lactic acid (g)
62 2.11
Magnesium (mg)
11 0.374
Potassium (mg)
109 3.71
Protein (g) 5.04 0.171
Sodium (mg)
300 10.2
Urea (g)
45 1.53
Zinc (mg)
16.5 0.561
I found this ingredient list on longecity and I added some other missing ingredients to this (the ones without amounts):
Chemical composition of sperm (In mg/100 ml)
• Ammonia = 2
• Ascorbic Acid/Vitamin C = 12.8
• Calcium = 25
• Carbon Dioxide = 54 ml/100 ml
• Chloride = 155
• Cholesterol = 80
• Citric acid = 376
• Copper = 006 to .024
• Nitrogen, nonprotein (total) = 913
• Phosphorus, acid-soluble = 57
• Inorganic = 11
• Lipids = 6
• Total (lipid) = 112
• Phosphorylcholine = 250-380
• Glutathione = 30
• Glycerylphorylcholine = 54-90
• Inositol = 50.57
• Lactic Acid = 35
• Magnesium = 14
• Potassium = 89
• Pyruvic Acid = 29
• Sodium = 281
• Sorbitol = 10
• Vitamin B12 = 300-600 ppg
• Sulfur = 3% (of ash)
• Urea = 72
• Uric acid = 6
• Zinc = 14
• Sialic acid
• Acid phosphatase
• Ash=9.9%
• Creatine
• Ergothioneine
• Fibrinolysin
• Flavins
• Fructose
• Galactose
• Mucus
• Prostaglandins
• Prostate specific antigen
• Proteolytic enzymes
Some of the effects of these ingredients are to:
• act as an antidepressant or mood enhancer
• decrease the risk of prostate cancer
• Hair growth and cell regeneration (from spermidine)
• have anti-inflammatory properties.
• promote better sleep (melatonin)
• restore some of the vitamins and minerals lost to the body in ejaculation. *
For women:
There are some studies that show health benefits of swallowing semen that specifically help women. Some cases of high blood pressure in pregnancy (pre-eclampsia) and miscarriage, morning sickness and even infertility for some women, may be caused by an antibody reaction to their partner’s genetics. Swallowing that partner’s semen may help a mother’s immune system to adapt to those foreign proteins, and lessen these problems. A study by the University of Saskatchewan also showed that consuming cum may help women to ovulate.
* Note: please note that some vitamins and minerals lost in ejaculation are not completely absorbed by ingestion (swallowing). So other sources (food, dietary supplements) are still needed to restore these to the body.